Analysis: Evaluation & Results Analysis


Analysis is designed to show the graphical reports of Intraday Trading , which helps users to evaluate and analyse investment portfolios visually. The following are some graphics to view:

  • analysis_position
    • report_graph
    • score_ic_graph
    • cumulative_return_graph
    • risk_analysis_graph
    • rank_label_graph
  • analysis_model
    • model_performance_graph

All of the accumulated profit metrics(e.g. return, max drawdown) in Qlib are calculated by summation. This avoids the metrics or the plots being skewed exponentially over time.

Graphical Reports

Users can run the following code to get all supported reports.

>> import as qcr
>> print(qcr.GRAPH_NAME_LIST)
['analysis_position.report_graph', 'analysis_position.score_ic_graph', 'analysis_position.cumulative_return_graph', 'analysis_position.risk_analysis_graph', 'analysis_position.rank_label_graph', 'analysis_model.model_performance_graph']


For more details, please refer to the function document: similar to help(qcr.analysis_position.report_graph)

Usage & Example

Usage of

API pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, show_notebook: bool = True) → [<class 'list'>, <class 'tuple'>]

display backtest report


import qlib
import pandas as pd
from qlib.utils.time import Freq
from qlib.utils import flatten_dict
from qlib.backtest import backtest, executor
from qlib.contrib.evaluate import risk_analysis
from qlib.contrib.strategy import TopkDropoutStrategy

# init qlib
qlib.init(provider_uri=<qlib data dir>)

CSI300_BENCH = "SH000300"
FREQ = "day"
    "topk": 50,
    "n_drop": 5,
    # pred_score, pd.Series
    "signal": pred_score,

    "time_per_step": "day",
    "generate_portfolio_metrics": True,

backtest_config = {
    "start_time": "2017-01-01",
    "end_time": "2020-08-01",
    "account": 100000000,
    "benchmark": CSI300_BENCH,
    "exchange_kwargs": {
        "freq": FREQ,
        "limit_threshold": 0.095,
        "deal_price": "close",
        "open_cost": 0.0005,
        "close_cost": 0.0015,
        "min_cost": 5,

# strategy object
strategy_obj = TopkDropoutStrategy(**STRATEGY_CONFIG)
# executor object
executor_obj = executor.SimulatorExecutor(**EXECUTOR_CONFIG)
# backtest
portfolio_metric_dict, indicator_dict = backtest(executor=executor_obj, strategy=strategy_obj, **backtest_config)
analysis_freq = "{0}{1}".format(*Freq.parse(FREQ))
# backtest info
report_normal_df, positions_normal = portfolio_metric_dict.get(analysis_freq)

  • report_df must be date, df.columns must contain return, turnover, cost, bench.

                return      cost        bench       turnover
    2017-01-04  0.003421    0.000864    0.011693    0.576325
    2017-01-05  0.000508    0.000447    0.000721    0.227882
    2017-01-06  -0.003321   0.000212    -0.004322   0.102765
    2017-01-09  0.006753    0.000212    0.006874    0.105864
    2017-01-10  -0.000416   0.000440    -0.003350   0.208396
  • show_notebook – whether to display graphics in notebook, the default is True.

if show_notebook is True, display in notebook; else return plotly.graph_objs.Figure list.

Graphical Result


  • Axis X: Trading day
  • Axis Y:
    • cum bench
      Cumulative returns series of benchmark
    • cum return wo cost
      Cumulative returns series of portfolio without cost
    • cum return w cost
      Cumulative returns series of portfolio with cost
    • return wo mdd
      Maximum drawdown series of cumulative return without cost
    • return w cost mdd:
      Maximum drawdown series of cumulative return with cost
    • cum ex return wo cost
      The CAR (cumulative abnormal return) series of the portfolio compared to the benchmark without cost.
    • cum ex return w cost
      The CAR (cumulative abnormal return) series of the portfolio compared to the benchmark with cost.
    • turnover
      Turnover rate series
    • cum ex return wo cost mdd
      Drawdown series of CAR (cumulative abnormal return) without cost
    • cum ex return w cost mdd
      Drawdown series of CAR (cumulative abnormal return) with cost
  • The shaded part above: Maximum drawdown corresponding to cum return wo cost
  • The shaded part below: Maximum drawdown corresponding to cum ex return wo cost

Usage of analysis_position.score_ic

API pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, show_notebook: bool = True) → [<class 'list'>, <class 'tuple'>]

score IC


from import D
from import analysis_position
pred_df_dates = pred_df.index.get_level_values(level='datetime')
features_df = D.features(D.instruments('csi500'), ['Ref($close, -2)/Ref($close, -1)-1'], pred_df_dates.min(), pred_df_dates.max())
features_df.columns = ['label']
pred_label = pd.concat([features_df, pred], axis=1, sort=True).reindex(features_df.index)
  • pred_label

    index is pd.MultiIndex, index name is [instrument, datetime]; columns names is [score, label].

    instrument  datetime        score         label
    SH600004  2017-12-11     -0.013502       -0.013502
                2017-12-12   -0.072367       -0.072367
                2017-12-13   -0.068605       -0.068605
                2017-12-14    0.012440        0.012440
                2017-12-15   -0.102778       -0.102778
  • show_notebook – whether to display graphics in notebook, the default is True.

if show_notebook is True, display in notebook; else return plotly.graph_objs.Figure list.

Graphical Result


  • Axis X: Trading day
  • Axis Y:
    • ic
      The Pearson correlation coefficient series between label and prediction score. In the above example, the label is formulated as Ref($close, -2)/Ref($close, -1)-1. Please refer to Data Feature for more details.
    • rank_ic
      The Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient series between label and prediction score.

Usage of analysis_position.risk_analysis

API pandas.core.frame.DataFrame = None, report_normal_df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame = None, report_long_short_df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame = None, show_notebook: bool = True) → Iterable[plotly.graph_objs._figure.Figure]

Generate analysis graph and monthly analysis


import qlib
import pandas as pd
from qlib.utils.time import Freq
from qlib.utils import flatten_dict
from qlib.backtest import backtest, executor
from qlib.contrib.evaluate import risk_analysis
from qlib.contrib.strategy import TopkDropoutStrategy

# init qlib
qlib.init(provider_uri=<qlib data dir>)

CSI300_BENCH = "SH000300"
FREQ = "day"
    "topk": 50,
    "n_drop": 5,
    # pred_score, pd.Series
    "signal": pred_score,

    "time_per_step": "day",
    "generate_portfolio_metrics": True,

backtest_config = {
    "start_time": "2017-01-01",
    "end_time": "2020-08-01",
    "account": 100000000,
    "benchmark": CSI300_BENCH,
    "exchange_kwargs": {
        "freq": FREQ,
        "limit_threshold": 0.095,
        "deal_price": "close",
        "open_cost": 0.0005,
        "close_cost": 0.0015,
        "min_cost": 5,

# strategy object
strategy_obj = TopkDropoutStrategy(**STRATEGY_CONFIG)
# executor object
executor_obj = executor.SimulatorExecutor(**EXECUTOR_CONFIG)
# backtest
portfolio_metric_dict, indicator_dict = backtest(executor=executor_obj, strategy=strategy_obj, **backtest_config)
analysis_freq = "{0}{1}".format(*Freq.parse(FREQ))
# backtest info
report_normal_df, positions_normal = portfolio_metric_dict.get(analysis_freq)
analysis = dict()
analysis["excess_return_without_cost"] = risk_analysis(
    report_normal_df["return"] - report_normal_df["bench"], freq=analysis_freq
analysis["excess_return_with_cost"] = risk_analysis(
    report_normal_df["return"] - report_normal_df["bench"] - report_normal_df["cost"], freq=analysis_freq

analysis_df = pd.concat(analysis)  # type: pd.DataFrame
analysis_position.risk_analysis_graph(analysis_df, report_normal_df)
  • analysis_df

    analysis data, index is pd.MultiIndex; columns names is [risk].

    excess_return_without_cost mean               0.000692
                               std                0.005374
                               annualized_return  0.174495
                               information_ratio  2.045576
                               max_drawdown      -0.079103
    excess_return_with_cost    mean               0.000499
                               std                0.005372
                               annualized_return  0.125625
                               information_ratio  1.473152
                               max_drawdown      -0.088263
  • report_normal_df must be date, df.columns must contain return, turnover, cost, bench.

                return      cost        bench       turnover
    2017-01-04  0.003421    0.000864    0.011693    0.576325
    2017-01-05  0.000508    0.000447    0.000721    0.227882
    2017-01-06  -0.003321   0.000212    -0.004322   0.102765
    2017-01-09  0.006753    0.000212    0.006874    0.105864
    2017-01-10  -0.000416   0.000440    -0.003350   0.208396
  • report_long_short_df must be date, df.columns contain long, short, long_short.

                long        short       long_short
    2017-01-04  -0.001360   0.001394    0.000034
    2017-01-05  0.002456    0.000058    0.002514
    2017-01-06  0.000120    0.002739    0.002859
    2017-01-09  0.001436    0.001838    0.003273
    2017-01-10  0.000824    -0.001944   -0.001120
  • show_notebook – Whether to display graphics in a notebook, default True. If True, show graph in notebook If False, return graph figure

Graphical Result


  • general graphics
    • std
      • excess_return_without_cost
        The Standard Deviation of CAR (cumulative abnormal return) without cost.
      • excess_return_with_cost
        The Standard Deviation of CAR (cumulative abnormal return) with cost.
    • annualized_return
      • excess_return_without_cost
        The Annualized Rate of CAR (cumulative abnormal return) without cost.
      • excess_return_with_cost
        The Annualized Rate of CAR (cumulative abnormal return) with cost.
    • information_ratio
      • excess_return_without_cost
        The Information Ratio without cost.
      • excess_return_with_cost
        The Information Ratio with cost.

      To know more about Information Ratio, please refer to Information Ratio – IR.

    • max_drawdown
      • excess_return_without_cost
        The Maximum Drawdown of CAR (cumulative abnormal return) without cost.
      • excess_return_with_cost
        The Maximum Drawdown of CAR (cumulative abnormal return) with cost.


  • annualized_return/max_drawdown/information_ratio/std graphics
    • Axis X: Trading days grouped by month
    • Axis Y:
      • annualized_return graphics
        • excess_return_without_cost_annualized_return
          The Annualized Rate series of monthly CAR (cumulative abnormal return) without cost.
        • excess_return_with_cost_annualized_return
          The Annualized Rate series of monthly CAR (cumulative abnormal return) with cost.
      • max_drawdown graphics
        • excess_return_without_cost_max_drawdown
          The Maximum Drawdown series of monthly CAR (cumulative abnormal return) without cost.
        • excess_return_with_cost_max_drawdown
          The Maximum Drawdown series of monthly CAR (cumulative abnormal return) with cost.
      • information_ratio graphics
        • excess_return_without_cost_information_ratio
          The Information Ratio series of monthly CAR (cumulative abnormal return) without cost.
        • excess_return_with_cost_information_ratio
          The Information Ratio series of monthly CAR (cumulative abnormal return) with cost.
      • std graphics
        • excess_return_without_cost_max_drawdown
          The Standard Deviation series of monthly CAR (cumulative abnormal return) without cost.
        • excess_return_with_cost_max_drawdown
          The Standard Deviation series of monthly CAR (cumulative abnormal return) with cost.
../_images/risk_analysis_annualized_return.png ../_images/risk_analysis_max_drawdown.png ../_images/risk_analysis_information_ratio.png ../_images/risk_analysis_std.png

Usage of analysis_model.analysis_model_performance

API pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, show_nature_day=True, **kwargs) → plotly.graph_objs._figure.Figure

IC figure

  • ic_df – ic DataFrame
  • show_nature_day – whether to display the abscissa of non-trading day

plotly.graph_objs.Figure pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, lag: int = 1, N: int = 5, reverse=False, rank=False, graph_names: list = ['group_return', 'pred_ic', 'pred_autocorr'], show_notebook: bool = True, show_nature_day=True) → [<class 'list'>, <class 'tuple'>]

Model performance

Parameters:pred_label – index is pd.MultiIndex, index name is [instrument, datetime]; columns names is **[score,

label]**. It is usually same as the label of model training(e.g. “Ref($close, -2)/Ref($close, -1) - 1”).

instrument  datetime        score       label
SH600004    2017-12-11  -0.013502       -0.013502
                2017-12-12  -0.072367       -0.072367
                2017-12-13  -0.068605       -0.068605
                2017-12-14  0.012440        0.012440
                2017-12-15  -0.102778       -0.102778
  • lagpred.groupby(level=’instrument’)[‘score’].shift(lag). It will be only used in the auto-correlation computing.
  • N – group number, default 5.
  • reverse – if True, pred[‘score’] *= -1.
  • rank – if True, calculate rank ic.
  • graph_names – graph names; default [‘cumulative_return’, ‘pred_ic’, ‘pred_autocorr’, ‘pred_turnover’].
  • show_notebook – whether to display graphics in notebook, the default is True.
  • show_nature_day – whether to display the abscissa of non-trading day.

if show_notebook is True, display in notebook; else return plotly.graph_objs.Figure list.

Graphical Results


  • cumulative return graphics
    • Group1:
      The Cumulative Return series of stocks group with (ranking ratio of label <= 20%)
    • Group2:
      The Cumulative Return series of stocks group with (20% < ranking ratio of label <= 40%)
    • Group3:
      The Cumulative Return series of stocks group with (40% < ranking ratio of label <= 60%)
    • Group4:
      The Cumulative Return series of stocks group with (60% < ranking ratio of label <= 80%)
    • Group5:
      The Cumulative Return series of stocks group with (80% < ranking ratio of label)
    • long-short:
      The Difference series between Cumulative Return of Group1 and of Group5
    • long-average
      The Difference series between Cumulative Return of Group1 and average Cumulative Return for all stocks.
    The ranking ratio can be formulated as follows.
    \[ranking\ ratio = \frac{Ascending\ Ranking\ of\ label}{Number\ of\ Stocks\ in\ the\ Portfolio}\]


  • long-short/long-average
    The distribution of long-short/long-average returns on each trading day


  • Information Coefficient
    • The Pearson correlation coefficient series between labels and prediction scores of stocks in portfolio.
    • The graphics reports can be used to evaluate the prediction scores.


  • Monthly IC
    Monthly average of the Information Coefficient


  • IC
    The distribution of the Information Coefficient on each trading day.
  • IC Normal Dist. Q-Q
    The Quantile-Quantile Plot is used for the normal distribution of Information Coefficient on each trading day.


  • Auto Correlation
    • The Pearson correlation coefficient series between the latest prediction scores and the prediction scores lag days ago of stocks in portfolio on each trading day.
    • The graphics reports can be used to estimate the turnover rate.